Understanding QCAT and Children's Court
Length of training: 4 .5 hours
There are some decisions which Child Safety make, that effect foster and kinship carers, which they can have appealed through QCAT. This training seeks to outline for carers exactly what these are and how they can go about appealing a decision recognised as reviewable within QCAT.
This training provides participants with an overview of QCAT and how this relates to carers and covers the following:
What is QCAT, who are they and who are they responsible to
What appealable rights do carers have through QCAT
How do carers make an application to QCAT
Once an application is made – what is the process
Who will assist carers through this process
This training also explores the Court Reforms which took effect in Qld on 1st July 2016. The training assists carers in understanding:
Who the key players in Children’s Court
The role of these key players
Carers role in Children’s Court
This training session is information rich and will assist carers to understand both QCAT and Children’s Court