The History of Foster Care Queensland
In the latter part of 1975, an inaugural meeting of representatives from localised Foster Parent Support Groups (FPSGs) was held to discuss the advantages of forming a State-based Association that could act as a liaison body between foster parents, government departments and voluntary organisations, and in the process, activate positive systemic change across the Queensland child protection continuum.
Four decades has passed since the registration and formalisation of the Association. In that time a number of sociocultural, political and legislative shifts occurred as a result of pertinent information coming to light that signalled the necessity for change within the Queensland child protection sector. With informed foresight, the Association acknowledged the necessity to follow suit; diversifying service provision and adjusting operational foci in order to remain a viable and enterprising peak body operating with the Queensland child protection system.
'The History of Foster Care Queensland' Report represents the culmination of extensive qualitative research into the progressive organisational development of Foster Care Queensland [Incorporated] (FCQ). The research covers the timeframe from the organisation's official inception in 1976 till the present day.
Principal Researcher: Vikki Wilkes
To obtain a copy of the Report please email admin@qfkc.com.au