NOFASD Australia
Did you know - Any alcohol consumed when pregnant passes directly to the developing baby and can damage their brain, body, and organs. It can also lead to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), a lifelong disability.
New resources developed by NOFASD Australia as part of the Every Moment Matters Campaign are available to support people involved in out-of-home care as they play a central role in recognising and supporting the needs of children and young people with FASD. Access the resources here.
Please help spread the word by sharing this information with your colleagues, family, and friends. Learn more about the campaign here.

In this webinar, caregivers of children with FASD talk about how the resources for families and people working within the out of home sector will make a difference to help raise awareness and understanding of FASD and assist to get the best outcomes for children at risk of FASD.