Get Started - Funding to Help Kids Participate
Get Started is one of three funding programs that comprise the Queensland Government’s Get in the Game initiative to support sport and recreation at the grassroots level. Get Started assists children and young people who can least afford, or may otherwise benefit from, joining a sport or recreation club.
Sport and Recreation Services (SRS) have advised that they have funding available for up to $150 to eligible children and young people (5 years to 17 years inclusive), which can help pay for the cost of sport or recreation club membership, and/or participation fees through registered Get Started Vouchers clubs.
The full details are available and eligibility requirements are outlined by clicking on the following online link link or viewing the Fact Sheet below
Please note:
The vouchers are issued on a first come, first serve basis. Once they have been allocated for the round, then the round closes. It is recommended to submit referral applications as quickly as possible to avoid missing out.